@hackage yesod-auth-lti130.3.0.0

A yesod-auth plugin for LTI 1.3


A lti13 based authentication provider for Yesod.


Implement an instance YesodAuthLTI13 App for your Yesod site, using your persistence mechanisms. See the example for details.

To build the example, pass -f example with your cabal commands. You can also cabal configure -f example to make it apply to commands by default (and also enable it for haskell-language-server).

A sample configuration of the LTI 1.3 reference implementation for a site using this library is available here: https://lti-ri.imsglobal.org/platforms/1812/

If this link breaks in the future, see the documentation at ../referencetool in the repo on how to create a new one.

The following configuration is used on the provider (LMS) side, assuming your AuthR is /auth:

  • oidc_initiation_url: https://YOURAPPROOT/auth/page/lti13/initiate
  • target_link_uri: https://YOURAPPROOT
  • Public JWK URL: https://YOURAPPROOT/auth/page/lti13/jwks
  • Redirect URLs: https://YOURAPPROOT/auth/page/lti13/authenticate