@hackage webapp0.2.0

Haskell web app framework based on WAI & Warp

webapp - WAI web framework

Webapp is a web framework that is designed to provide everything needed to define & deploy a web app.

Basic example:

module Main where

import Web.App
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Class as S

instance WebAppState Integer where
  initState = return 0
  destroyState st = do
    putStr "Counted: "
    print st

main = webappMainIO' app "My Web App"

app :: WebAppT Integer IO ()
app = do
  get "/" $ do
    addHeader "Content-Type" "text/plain"
	S.get >>= writeBody . show

  get "/add" $ do
  	S.state (((),) . (+) 1)
	redirect "/"
  get "/subtract" $ do
    S.get >>= S.put . ((-) 1)
    redirect "/"