@hackage wai-routes0.1

This package provides typesafe URLs for Wai applications.

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (0)

Wai Routes (wai-routes-0.1)

This package provides typesafe URLs for Wai applications.

Much of the TH functionality has been lifted from Yesod dispatching code. The aim is to provide a similar level of typesafe URL functionality to Wai applications as is available to Yesod applications.

Example Usage

The following builds a simple JSON service (using Aeson for JSON conversion)

-- A useful type synonym
type UserId = Text

-- Define the JSON instance
data User = User { name::Text, uid:: UserId } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
instance ToJSON User where
  toJSON x = object [ "name" .= (name x), "uid" .= (uid x) ]

-- Define the handlers
getUserR :: UserId -> Application
getUserR uid _req =
  return $ responseLBS statusOK headers json
  where user = User { name = "Anon Amos", uid = uid }
        json = encode user
        headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")]

getUsersR :: Application
getUsersR _req =
  return $ responseLBS statusOK headers json
  where userids = (["anon","john","jane"]::[Text])
        json = encode userids
        headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")]

-- Generate the routing datatype and the Route instance
-- The type generated will be named "UserRoute"
mkRoute "User" [parseRoutes|
  /users UsersR GET
  /user/#UserId UserR GET

-- Now you can use dispatch function (passing it your route datatype)
main :: IO ()
main = run 8080 $ dispatch (undefined::UserRoute) $ staticApp defaultFileServerSettings


0.1 : Intial release