Efficient Arrays
Concrete functor and monad transformers
An efficient packed Unicode text type.
Process libraries
Monadic parser combinators
Platform-agnostic library for filesystem operations
Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface
Core data structures and operations
Web Application Interface.
Efficient hashing-based container types
A time library
Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code).
An HTTP client engine
A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
Combinators for working with sums
Case insensitive string comparison
JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool.
Fast JSON parsing and encoding
A unit testing framework for Haskell
Efficient Arrays
Concrete functor and monad transformers
An efficient packed Unicode text type.
Process libraries
Monadic parser combinators
Platform-agnostic library for filesystem operations
Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface
Core data structures and operations
A fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications.
Web Application Interface.
Vector and Text utilities
Efficient hashing-based container types
A time library
Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code).
An HTTP client engine
A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
Combinators for working with sums
Case insensitive string comparison
JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool.
Fast JSON parsing and encoding
A unit testing framework for Haskell