@hackage skopedate0.1

Check dates of container images


MIT license

Check/compares dates of container images for Fedora, Centos, etc, using skopeo. Currently the list of predefined registries is hardcoded.


$ skopedate --version
$ skopedate --help
Checks dates of latest container images

Usage: skopedate [--version] [-d|--debug] IMAGE

  A tool for seeing the dates of latest container images in registries

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --version                Show version
  -d,--debug               show debug output
$ skopedate fedora:39
registry.fedoraproject.org           2023-08-11 17:33:49 +0800
candidate-registry.fedoraproject.org 2023-08-11 17:33:49 +0800
quay.io/fedora                       2023-08-11 17:33:49 +0800
docker.io                            2023-08-05 02:23:06 +0800
$ skopedate centos/centos:stream9
quay.io 2023-08-08 11:39:14 +0800
$ skopedate fedora-toolbox:39
registry.fedoraproject.org           2023-08-11 17:33:52 +0800
candidate-registry.fedoraproject.org 2023-08-11 17:33:52 +0800


stack install or cabal install


skopedate is distributed under the MIT license.

See https://github.com/juhp/skopedate