@hackage simple0.4.1

A minimalist web framework for the WAI server interface

Simple is "framework-less" web framework for Haskell web applications using the WAI server interface (e.g. for use with the warp server). Unlike other frameoworks, Simple does not enforce a particular structure or paradigm for web applications. Rather, Simple makes it easier for you, the developer, to use whichever paradigm or structure you like. This package includes:

  • Web application building blocks under Web.Simple

  • A Sintra (http://www.sinatrarb.com) inspired DSL - Web.Frank

  • A Monad for building RESTful controllers - Web.REST

To get started using the warp web server:

$ cabal install simple warp


import Web.Simple
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp

main :: IO ()
main = runSettings defaultSettings $ mkRouter $
        okHtml "Hello World"
$ runghc -XOverloadedStrings helloworld.hs

See Web.Simple for a more detailed introduction.