@hackage serviette0.1.0.6

JSON to Sql

SERVIETTE - JSON to SQL Build Status

Library for generating SQL queries from JSON. Send the json in the expected format and receive raw sql string.

Why ?

  • Why not ?

Expected JSON format

    "selectName": "users",
    	  {"tablename":"addresses","field":"userid","operator":"=","withTable":"users", "withField":"id"},
          {"tablename":"posts","field":"userid","operator":"=","withTable":"users", "withField":"id"}
          {"whereTableName":"users","whereField":"id", "whereOperator":">", "whereFieldValue": 1}

If format is set to 1 you will get json response:

{"response":"SELECT users join addresses on userid = users.id  join posts on userid = users.id   where users.id > 1","warnings":"","errors":""}

You can find this lib on hackage Serviette backend is here