@hackage rss2irc0.3

Watch an RSS/Atom feed and write it to an IRC channel

This bot polls a single RSS or Atom feed and announces updates to an IRC channel, with options for customizing output and behavior. It aims to be a simple, dependable bot that does its job and creates no problems.

   or: rss2irc [OPTS] FEEDURL (same as --debug)

  -p PORT  --port=PORT          irc server port (default 6667)
           --ident=STR          set the bot's identity string (useful for contact info)
           --delay=N            wait for N seconds before starting (helps avoid mass joins)
  -i N     --interval=N         polling interval in minutes (default 5)
  -r N     --recent=N           announce up to N recent items at startup (default 0)
  -m N     --max-items=N        announce at most N items per polling interval (default 5)
           --no-title           don't show title (title is announced by default)
  -a       --author             show author
  -d       --description        show description
  -l       --link               show link URL
  -t       --time               show timestamp
  -e       --email              show email addresses (these are stripped by default)
  -h       --html               show HTML tags and entities (these are stripped by default)
           --replace="OLD/NEW"  replace OLD with NEW (regexpr patterns)
  -n N     --num-iterations=N   exit after N iterations
  -q       --quiet              silence normal console output
           --debug              do not connect to irc
           --debug-irc          show irc activity
           --debug-feed         show feed items and polling stats
           --debug-xml          show feed content
           --debug-http         show feed fetching progress

For example, to announce Hackage updates:

rss2irc irc.freenode.org '#haskell' mybot http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/recent.rss