@hackage ron0.2

RON, RON-RDT, and RON-Schema

Replicated Object Notation (RON), data types (RDT), and RON-Schema

Typical usage:

import RON.Data
import RON.Schema.TH
import RON.Storage.IO as Storage

$(let note = StructLww "Note"
          [ ("active", field boole)
          , ("text",   field rgaString) ]
          def{saHaskellDeriving = ["Eq", "Show"]}
  in mkReplicated [DStructLww note])

instance Collection Note where
    collectionName = "note"

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let dataDir = "./data/"
    h <- Storage.newHandle dataDir
    runStorage h $ do
        obj <- newObject
            Note{active = True, text = "Выступить на FProg SPb"}
        createDocument obj