@hackage reflex0.7.0.0

Higher-order Functional Reactive Programming



Practical Functional Reactive Programming

Reflex is a fully-deterministic, higher-order Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) interface and an engine that efficiently implements that interface.

Reflex-DOM is a framework built on Reflex that facilitates the development of web pages, including highly-interactive single-page apps.

A summary of Reflex functions is available in the quick reference.

Visit https://reflex-frp.org/ for more information, tutorials, documentation and examples.


Get started with Reflex


irc.freenode.net #reflex-frp


From the root of a Reflex Platform checkout, run ./scripts/hack-on haskell-overlays/reflex-packages/dep/reflex. This will check out the reflex source code into the haskell-overlays/reflex-packages/dep/reflex directory. You can then point that checkout at your fork, make changes, etc. Use the ./try-reflex or ./scripts/work-on scripts to start a shell in which you can test your changes.

  • Installation

  • Tested Compilers

  • Dependencies (36)

  • Dependents (34)

    @hackage/codeworld-api, @hackage/reflex-fsnotify, @hackage/tinytools, @hackage/reflex-backend-socket, @hackage/servant-reflex, @hackage/reflex-gadt-api, Show all…
  • Package Flags

       (off by default)

      Use the GHC plugin Reflex.Optimizer on some of the modules in the package. This is still experimental.

       (on by default)

      Use template haskell to generate lenses

       (off by default)

      Add instrumentation that outputs the stack trace of the definition of an event whenever it is subscribed to. Warning: It is very slow!

       (off by default)

      Use the primitive implementation of FastWeak in GHCJS; note that this requires GHCJS to be built with FastWeak and FastWeakBag present in the RTS, which is not the default

       (off by default)

      Enable debugging of spider internals

       (off by default)

      Enable debugging of event cycles

       (on by default)

      Use split these/semialign packages