@hackage reflex-monad-auth0.1.0.1

Utilities to split reflex app to authorized and not authorized contexts

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (5)

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  • Package Flags

       (off by default)

      Build examples executables.


The package provides utilities to build in authorization in reflex application in agnostic way to the concrete authorization scheme.


  • Split application into two contexts: authorized and not authorized. Provides helpers to dynamically switch between both.
  • Access to authorization specific state in authorized part of FRP network.

How to use

See (example)[./example/Main.hs] and run it with cabal new-run -f examples.

First, define you own authorization type:

data JWTAuth = JWTAuth {
    authToken :: !Text
  , authRole  :: !Role
  } deriving (Eq)

Use it in info type hole in AuthT monad transformer:

runAuthJWT :: (Reflex t, TriggerEvent t m, MonadIO m) => AuthT JWTAuth t m a -> m a
runAuthJWT = runAuth

main :: IO ()
main = mainWidgetWithCss css $ runAuthJWT frontend

Now you can use the main tool of the package liftAuth:

frontend :: (HasAuth t m, PerformEvent t m, TriggerEvent t m, MonadHold t m, DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadIO m, MonadIO (Performable m), AuthInfo t m ~ JWTAuth) => m ()
frontend = void $ liftAuth notlogged logged
    notlogged = do
      pressE <- buttonClass "outline" "Login"
      widgetHold_ (pure ()) $ text "Logging in..." <$ pressE
      signE <- delay 1 pressE
      loginE <- requestLoginFromServer signE -- Here you widget that ask server for token
      void $ signin loginE
    logged = do
      pressE <- buttonClass "outline" "Logout"
      text "We are authorized!"
      void $ signout pressE


To enter shell with all dependencies for GHC, use ./ghc.sh script. Or use ./ghcjs.sh for GHCJS.