@hackage quipper-algorithms0.9.0.0

A set of algorithms implemented in Quipper.

Running the included algorithms

Each algorithm builds an executable file, which can be run with various command line parameters to do different things. Run each command with option --help to see a summary of the usage information.

In the following, we describe the set of options for the algorithms that were implemented.

Running the bwt program

Usage for Binary Welded Tree algorithm:

Usage: bwt [OPTION...] -h --help print usage info and exit -C --circuit output the whole circuit (default) -O --oracle output only the oracle -K --oraclec output the "classical" oracle as a classical circuit -G --graph print colored graph computed from oracle -S --simulate run simulations of some circuit fragments for tree height n -f --format= output format for circuits (default: preview) -g --gatebase= type of gates to decompose into (default: logical) -o select oracle to use (default: orthodox) -n --height= set tree height (positive; default 5) -c --color= color to use with --oracle (0..3, default 0) -s --repeats= set parameter s (iteration count; default 1) -l --large set large problem size: n=300, s=336960 -t

set parameter dt (simulation time step; default pi/180) Possible values for format are: eps, pdf, ps, postscript, ascii, preview, gatecount. Possible values for gatebase are: logical, binary, toffoli, cliffordt_old, cliffordt, cliffordt_keepphase, standard, strict, approximate, approximate_keepphase, exact, trimcontrols. Possible values for oracle are: orthodox, simple, blackbox, classical, template, optimized.

Examples of command line options:

  • Show the complete circuit for the BWT algorithm using the "orthodox" (official GFI) oracle, with n=5 and s=1:

    ./bwt -C -o orthodox -n 5 -s 1

    (One can point out the different parts of the algorithm: 8 oracle calls, and 4 very short diffusion steps).

  • Show the same, using the "Template Haskell" oracle: this oracle is much larger, but automatically generated from classical code (and completely unoptimized):

    ./bwt -C -o template -n 5 -s 1

    The "template oracle" is defined in BWT/Template.hs. See the documentation of the module Quipper/CircLifting for how it works.

  • Show the graph of the BWT algorithm, which is obtained by simulating the orthodox oracle (and therefore offers some evidence for the correctness of the oracle implementation):

    ./bwt -G -o orthodox -n 5

  • Show the orthodox oracle for n=300. Note that this will result in a big file. One has to zoom in substantially to see gates.

    ./bwt -O -o orthodox -n 300

  • Show the complete circuit for the BWT algorithm, but decompose everything into binary gates:

    ./bwt -C -o orthodox -n 5 -s 1 -g binary

  • Show the oracle from Figure 1a (alternate oracle).

    ./bwt -C -o figure1a

  • The same, decomposed into binary+Toffoli gates, or binary gates only, respectively:

    ./bwt -C -o figure1a -g toffoli ./bwt -C -o figure1a -g binary

  • Show gate counts for BWT algorithm with n=300 and s=1, using "orthodox" oracle:

    ./bwt -C -o orthodox -n 300 -s 1 -f gatecount

  • Show gate counts for same, after decomposition to binary gates:

    ./bwt -C -o orthodox -n 300 -s 1 -f gatecount -g binary

Obviously, most other combinations of command line options are also possible, for example: decompose to toffoli gates and then simulate and show the graph. Some other combinations are not legal: for example, decomposing to binary gates and then simulating. (The classical simulator will complain that the circuit is not boolean; it contains "V" gates).

  • Similarly, one can run demos for the triangle finding algorithm using various command line options.

Note that the triangle finding algorithm is not a deliverable; it is a work in progress. The only implemented algorithm that is officially a deliverable is the "orthodox" BWT implementation in BWT.BWT.

Running the bf program

Usage for the Boolean Formula algorithm:

Usage: bf [OPTION...] -C --circuit output the whole circuit (default) -D --demo run a demo of the circuit -H --hexboard output a representation of the initial state of the given oracle, i.e. the game played so far -p --part= which part of the circuit to use (default: whole) -o --oracle= which oracle to use (default: small) -m --moves= which moves have already been made (default: []) -f --format= output format for circuits (default: _preview) -d --dummy set to only use a dummy HEX gate instead of the full hex circuit -h --help print usage info and exit -g --gatebase= type of gates to decompose the output circuit into (default: logical) Possible values for part are: whole, u, oracle, hex, checkwin_red, diffuse, walk, undo_oracle. Possible values for oracle are: 9by7, small, custom x y t. Possible values for format are: eps, pdf, ps, postscript, ascii, preview, gatecount. Possible values for gatebase are: logical, binary, toffoli, cliffordt_old, cliffordt, cliffordt_keepphase, standard, strict, approximate, approximate_keepphase, exact, trimcontrols.

Running the cl program

Usage for the Class Number algorithm:

Usage: cl [OPTION...] -h --help print usage info and exit -f --format= output format for circuits (default: ASCII) -g --gatebase= gates to decompose into (default: Logical) -1 output the circuit for stage 1 of the algorithm (default) -4 output the circuit for stage 4 of the algorithm -S --sub= output the circuit for a specific subroutine -R --regulator classically, find the regulator, given Δ -F classically, find the fundamental unit, given Δ -P classically, find the fundamental solution of Pell’s equation, given Δ -d --delta= discriminant Δ (a.k.a. D) (default: 28) -s --ss= estimated bound on period S, for stage 1 (default: 2) -i estimated bound on log_2 S, for stage 1 (default: 1) -r --rr= approximate regulator R, for stage 4 (default: 12.345) -q The parameter q, for stage 4 (default: 4) -k The parameter k, for stage 4 (default: 3) -n The parameter n, for stage 4 (default: 3) -m The parameter m, for stage 4 (default: 5) --seed= Random seed (0 for seed from time)(default: 1) Possible values for format are: eps, pdf, ps, postscript, ascii, preview, gatecount. Possible values for gatebase are: logical, binary, toffoli, cliffordt_old, cliffordt, cliffordt_keepphase, standard, strict, approximate, approximate_keepphase, exact, trimcontrols. Possible values for subroutine are: rho, rhoinv, normalize, dotprod, starprod, fn.

Running the gse program

Usage for Ground State Estimation algorithm:

Usage: gse [OPTION...] -h --help print usage info and exit -C --circuit output the whole circuit (default) -T --template= output a particular circuit template -f --format= output format for circuits (default: Preview) -g --gatebase= gates to decompose into (default: Logical) -m --orbitals= number of orbitals (default: 4) -o --occupied= number of occupied orbitals (default: 2) -b --precision= number of precision qubits (default: 3) -D --delta_e= energy range (default: 6.5536) -E --e_max= maximum energy (default: -3876.941) --n0= use N_k = n0 * 2^k (default: N_k = 1) -l --large set large problem size (m=208, o=84, b=12, n0=100) -x --orthodox use the Coulomb operator of Whitman et al. --h1= filename for one-electron data (default: "h_1e_ascii") --h2= filename for two-electron data (default: "h_2e_ascii") -d --datadir= directory for one- and two-electron data (default: current) Possible values for format are: eps, pdf, ps, postscript, ascii, preview, gatecount. Possible values for gatebase are: logical, binary, toffoli, cliffordt_old, cliffordt, cliffordt_keepphase, standard, strict, approximate, approximate_keepphase, exact, trimcontrols. Indices can be specified as p,q or p,q,r,s (with no spaces)

Running the qls program

Usage for Quantum Linear Systems algorithm:

Usage: qls [OPTION...] -h --help print usage info and exit -C --circuit output the whole circuit (default) -O --oracle= output only the oracle (default: r) -f --format= output format for circuits (default: gatecount) -g --gatebase= type of gates to decompose into (default: logical) -o select oracle implementation to use (default: blackbox) -p --param= choose a set of parameters (default: dummy). -P --peel= peel layers of boxed subroutines (default: 0). Possible values for format are: ascii, gatecount. Possible values for gatebase are: logical, binary, toffoli, cliffordt_old, cliffordt, cliffordt_keepphase, standard, strict, approximate, approximate_keepphase, exact, trimcontrols. Possible values for oracle implementation are: matlab, blackbox. Possible values for param are: dummy, small, large. Possible values for oracle are: r, b, A[band][t|f]. E.g. "-OA1t" asks for band 1 with boolean argument True. For all three oracles, the factors are set up to 1.0.

Running the tf program

Usage for Triangle Finding algorithm:

Usage: tf [OPTION...] -h --help print usage info and exit -f --format= output format for circuits (default: preview) -g --gatebase= type of gates to decompose into (default: logical) -l --l= parameter l (default: 4) -n --n= parameter n (default: 3) -r --r= parameter r (default: 2) -C --QWTFP output the whole circuit (default) -O --oracle output only the oracle -s --subroutine= output the chosen subroutine (default: adder) -Q use alternative qRAM implementation -o select oracle to use (default: blackbox) -A --arith test/simulate the arithmetic routines -T --oracletest test/simulate the oracle Possible values for format are: eps, pdf, ps, postscript, ascii, preview, gatecount. Possible values for gatebase are: logical, binary, toffoli, cliffordt_old, cliffordt, cliffordt_keepphase, standard, strict, approximate, approximate_keepphase, exact, trimcontrols. Possible values for oracle are: orthodox, blackbox. Possible values for subroutine are: zero, initialize, hadamard, setup, qwsh, diffuse, fetcht, storet, fetchstoret, fetche, fetchstoree, update, swap, a15, a16, a17, a18, gcqwalk, gcqwstep, convertnode, testequal, pow17, mod3, sub, add, mult.

Running the usv program

Usage for Unique Shortest Vector algorithm:

Usage: usv [OPTION...] -h --help print usage info and exit -f --format= output format for circuits (default: eps) -g --gatebase= type of gates to decompose into (default: logical) -n --n= parameter n (default: 5) -b --b= parameter b (default: 5X5 with entries = 1) -s --s= Random number generator seed s (default: 1) -F output subroutine f (depends on b). -G output subroutine g (depends on b). -H output subroutine h (depends on n). -U output algorithm 1 (depends on b). -Q output algorithm 2 (depends on b). -R output algorithm 3 (depends on b). -T output algorithm 4 (depends on n). -S output sieving subroutine (depends on n). -D output algorithm 5 (depends on n). -t test subroutine h (depends on n). Possible values for format are: eps, pdf, ps, postscript, ascii, preview, gatecount. Possible values for gatebase are: logical, binary, toffoli, cliffordt_old, cliffordt, cliffordt_keepphase, standard, strict, approximate, approximate_keepphase, exact, trimcontrols.