@hackage qr-imager2.0.0.2

Library to generate images.

QR Imager Library

Build Status

This is a library to generate .png files from QR codes.


The library depends on the C library libqrencode which you will need to install separately, as well as the command-line tool Zbar from here. You should also be able to get them from your distro.


The library can be used via the exported functions createQRCode, byteStringToQR and readQRString, plus their signed counterparts. The first two export to ".png" while the third can be used on any image format Zbar supports.

The functions bsToImg and objToImg output JuicyPixels images for your further manipulation.


Compiling will generate an executable called qrpipe which reads from stdin and outputs a file as the second argument, e.g.

echo 'My name is: Vanessa" | qrpipe write -v "nametag.png"

To then read the nametag:

qrpipe read "nametag.png"