@hackage property-list0.0.0.7

XML property list parser

Parser, data type and formatter for Apple's XML property list 1.0 format. The bytestring- update on hackage seems to have cratered the build for many packages, including the last several versions of this one, so this version will probably not build properly on the hackage site. As far as I know, though, that is the only reason it fails. This version includes a hack to try to make it build on the site, triggered by the HaXml_1_13 build flag.

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (0)

  • Package Flags

       (on by default)

      Use the new version of the data-object package (>= 0.0.2) Which has a "generic object" type in place of the simpler Object type in previous versions.

       (on by default)

      Template Haskell 2.4 seems to have made the generated PropertyListItem OneOfN instances break. So, detect it and deal with it.

       (off by default)

      The Hackage website builder is currently very finicky and the bytestring- update has made me very frustrated, because the last several versions of this package have failed to build because of it. The "preferred-versions" fallback fails too, because the additional HaXml constraint combined with the one here becomes unsatisfiable. So, I'm gonna make this thing work with HaXml 1.13 now. And, as an additional hack to make sure it works, this flag will also trigger dependencies on specific versions of packages known to have been built against bytestring- on the hackage server. Once ghc-6.12 is released, this should no longer be a problem and I can clean up the mess I've made here.