@hackage proj4-hs-bindings0.1

Haskell bindings for the Proj4 C dynamic library.

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    • Maintainer

      Pavel M. Penev <pavpen@gmail.com>

    • Versions

      • 0.1 Sun, 22 Sep 2013

    Haskell bindings for the Proj.4 map projection C library.

    You need to have Proj.4 already installed as a shared library.

    Example transformations (from http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4/):

    import Geo.Proj4
    lon0 = 22.350 * pi / 180 -- Test longitude in radians.
    lat0 = 40.084 * pi / 180 -- Test latitude in radians.
    alt0 = 2843 -- Test altitude in meters.
    -- | Test projection:
    pj = newProjection "+proj=utm +zone=34"
    -- | Another test (null, e.g. cylindrical) projction:
    pj0 = newProjection "+proj=latlong +ellps=clrk66"
    -- | A projection of our test longitude & latitude, using @pj:
    (x, y) = pjFwd pj (lon0, lat0)
    -- | An inverse projection from (x, y) to (longitude, latitude):
    (lon, lat) = pjInv pj (x, y)
    -- | Convert our test position from one projection to another (pj0 -> pj):
    (x2, y2, z2) = pjTransformPt pj0 pj (lon0, lat0, alt0)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        putStrLn $ "(x, y): " ++ (show (x, y))
        putStrLn $ "(lon, lat): " ++ (show (lon * 180 / pi, lat * 180 / pi))
        putStrLn $ "(x, y, z): " ++ (show $ (x2, y2, z2))
        return ()

    You should see the following when you compile and run the above:

    (x, y): (615096.1096381239,4437953.6592040695)
    (lon, lat): (22.350000000000662,40.083999999999584)
    (x, y, z): (615096.1096381239,4437953.6592040695,2843.0)