@hackage prizm0.2.0.0

A haskell library for computing with colors


Prizm is a haskell library for dealing with colors. Please contribute!

My inspiration for writing this was Sass and Bourbon, both implement interesting color handling functions for use in stylesheets and I wanted the same thing for use in Clay (also for Bentonite).

Colour Module

There is some overlap with the Haskell Colour Module that already exists; however, this library is filling a couple of needs the other doesn't satisfy.

Supported Algorithms

  • sRGB <-> CIE XYZ
  • CIE XYZ <-> CIE L*a*b*


Make sure all of the conversion formulas convert losslessly at an acceptable level of precision.

All color types should have instances for Functor so fmap can work over their values. All color types should have instances for Applicative to make computations cleaner.

Conversion functions for sRGB to HEX.

Implementations for