@hackage pontarius-xmpp0.2.0.0

An incomplete implementation of RFC 6120 (XMPP: Core)

Welcome to Pontarius XMPP!

Pontarius XMPP is an active work in progress to build a Haskell XMPP library that implements the client capabilities of RFC 6120.

Getting started

The latest release of Pontarius XMPP, as well as its module API pages, can always be found at the Pontarius XMPP Hackage page.

Note: Pontarius XMPP is still in its Alpha phase. Pontarius XMPP is not yet feature-complete, it may contain bugs, and its API may change between versions.

The first thing to do is to import the modules that we are going to use.

import Network.Xmpp

import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import System.Log.Logger

Pontarius XMPP supports hslogger logging. Start by enabling console logging.

updateGlobalLogger "Pontarius.Xmpp" $ setLevel DEBUG

When this is done, a Session object can be acquired by calling session. This object will be used for interacting with the library.

result <- session
              (Just ([scramSha1 "username" Nothing "password"], Nothing))

Tip: Note that the first parameter actually is a Text value. Import Data.Text and use the OverloadedStrings LANGUAGE pragma.

The three parameters above are the XMPP server realm, the session configuration settings (set to the default settings), and a SASL handler (for authentication). session will perform the necessary DNS queries to find the address of the realm, connect, establish the XMPP stream, attempt to secure the stream with TLS, authenticate, establish a concurrent interface for interacting with the stream, and return the Session object.

The return type of session is IO (Either XmppFailure Session). As XmppFailure is an Control.Monad.Error instance, you can utilize the ErrorT monad transformer for error handling. A more simple way of doing it could be doing something like this:

sess <- case result of
            Right s -> return s
            Left e -> error $ "XmppFailure: " ++ (show e)

Next, let us set our status to Online.

sendPresence (Presence Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing []) sess

Now, let's say that we want to receive all message stanzas, and echo the stanzas back to the recipient. This can be done like so:

forever $ do
    msg <- getMessage sess
    case answerMessage msg (messagePayload msg) of
        Just answer -> sendMessage answer sess
        Nothing -> putStrLn "Received message with no sender."

Additional XMPP threads can be created using dupSession and forkIO.

For a public domain example of a simple Pontarius XMPP (Cabal) project, refer to the examples/echoclient directory.

More information

Feel free to contact Jon Kristensen if you have any questions or comments.