@hackage pgdl8.3

simply download a video (or a file) from a webpage and xdg-open it.


a terminal user interface program that downloads a video (or a file) from webpage and xdg-open it immediately. (Linux: xdg-open "video.mp4", MACOSX: open "video.mp4")

Client: Only for Linux and MACOSX. Server: Only for nginx's file download page.

The program will sort the video files and folders by date while files in nginx's download page just sort by name.


cabal update
cabal install pgdl

Shortcut keys

q - quit
s - list files that similar with the highlighted video
Key Right - show the detailed information of the highlighted video
Key Left - go back to the previous page
Enter - play the video
/ - open a input box to enter a keyword to search
n - sort the current list by name
v - show the videos already in the disk
u - show the videos not in the disk