@hackage nemesis2012.5.24

a Rake like task management tool

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (0)

Nemesis: a rake like task management tool for haskell


nemesis = do

    [ "**/*.hi"
    , "**/*.o"
    , "manifest"
  task "dist" - do
    sh "cabal clean"
    sh "cabal configure"
    sh "cabal sdist"

  task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs")

  task "manifest" - do
    sh "find . | grep 'hs$' > manifest"



cabal update
cabal install nemesis


Put the following code into a file named Nemesis

nemesis = do

  -- desc is optional, it gives some description to the task that follows
  desc "Hunter attack macro"

  -- syntax: task "keyword: dependencies" io-action
  task "attack: pet-attack auto-attack" (putStrLn "attack macro done!")

  desc "Pet attack"
  task "pet-attack: mark" - do
    sh "echo 'pet attack'"

  desc "Hunter's mark"
  task "mark" - do
    sh "echo \"casting hunter's mark\""

  desc "Auto attack"
  task "auto-attack" - do
    sh "echo 'auto shoot'"


run nemesis

attack          Hunter attack macro
auto-attack     Auto attack
mark            Hunter's mark
pet-attack      Pet attack

run nemesis attack

casting hunter's mark
pet attack
auto shoot
attack macro done!


Suppose you have the following tasks

nemesis = do

  namespace "eat" - do

    task "bread: salad" - putStrLn "eating bread"
    task "salad: /drink/coke" - putStrLn "nice salad"

  namespace "drink" - do

    task "coke" - putStrLn "drinking coke"


nemesis bread =>
.nemesis: bread does not exist!

nemesis eat/bread =>
drinking coke
nice salad
eating bread


  • Please add .nemesis to .gitignore or equivalents.
  • alias nemesis to something sweeter, e.g. n

Advance usage

Use LANGUAGE pragma

Put a -- Nem line after the Langauge pragma

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

-- Nem

nemesis = do
  task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs")

currently the separator -- Nem is hard coded

Bypass preprocessing, i.e. run as EDSL

Define main, i.e. add main = run nemesis in the code. The preprocessor looks for the function main, if it's defined, preprocessing is skipped.

This turns Nemesis into an EDSL in Haskell, runnable by runghc.

For example:

import System.Nemesis.Env
import Air.Env ((-))
import Prelude hiding ((-))

main = run nemesis

nemesis = do
  task "hello" - do
    sh "echo 'hello world'"


runghc Nemesis hello


The goddess is watching you, you shall have your revenge.