@hackage nemesis2010.

a Rake like task management tool

Nemesis: a rake like task management tool for haskell


nemesis = do

    [ "**/*.hi"
    , "**/*.o"
    , "manifest"
  task "dist" - do
    sh "cabal clean"
    sh "cabal configure"
    sh "cabal sdist"

  task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs")

  task "manifest" - do
    sh "find . | grep 'hs$' > manifest"



cabal update
cabal install nemesis


Put the following code into a file named Nemesis

nemesis = do

  -- desc is optional, it gives some description to the following task
  desc "Hunter attack macro"

  -- syntax: task "keyword: dependencies" io-action
  task "attack: pet-attack auto-attack" (putStrLn "attack macro done!")

  desc "Pet attack"
  task "pet-attack: mark" - do
    sh "echo 'pet attack'"

  desc "Hunter's mark"
  task "mark" - do
    sh "echo \"casting hunter's mark\""

  desc "Auto attack"
  task "auto-attack" - do
    sh "echo 'auto shoot'"


run nemesis

attack                            : Hunter attack macro
auto-attack                       : Auto attack
mark                              : Hunter's mark
pet-attack                        : Pet attack

run nemesis attack

casting hunter's mark
pet attack
auto shoot
attack macro done!


Suppose you have the following tasks

nemesis = do

  namespace "eat" - do

    task "bread: salad" - putStrLn "eating bread"
    task "salad: /drink/coke" - putStrLn "nice salad"

  namespace "drink" - do

    task "coke" - putStrLn "drinking coke"


nemesis bread =>
.nemesis: bread does not exist!

nemesis eat/bread =>
drinking coke
nice salad
eating bread


Please add .nemesis to .gitignore or equivalents.

Advance usage

Use LANGUAGE pragma

Put a -- Nem line after the Langauge pragma

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

-- Nem

nemesis = do
  task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs")

currently the separator -- Nem is hard coded

Bypass preprocessing, i.e. run as EDSL

Define main, i.e. add main = run nemesis in the code. The preprocessor looks for the function main, if it's defined, preprocessing is skipped.

This turns Nemesis into a pure EDSL in Haskell, which can be invoked by runghc.

For example:

import System.Nemesis (run)
import System.Nemesis.DSL
import MPS.Env ((-))
import Prelude hiding ((-))

nemesis = do
  task "hello" - do
    sh "echo 'hello world'"
main = run nemesis


runghc Nemesis hello

Who is mnemosyne?


OK, I made a mistake in the project name, but she's a cool goddess none the less.