@hackage mp3decoder0.0.1

MP3 decoder for teaching.

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    === Prereq. ===

    Using this code requires:

    *) A Haskell compiler, such as GHC.

    *) binary-strict, from here: http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/binary-strict If you've never used Haskell before, install binary-strict by downloading and unpacking the source, cd to the directory where the Setup file is, and do

     $ runhaskell Setup.lhs configure
     $ runhaskell Setup.lhs build
     $ runhaskell Setup.lhs install

    That's it.

    === Building the decoder ===

    Building the decoder works almost the same as building binary-strict. From the directory where this file is, do:

    $ runhaskell Setup.lhs configure $ runhaskell Setup.lhs build

    Do not install it (if you're familiar with Haskell and for some reason want to install this decoder as a library, you'll have to edit the cabal file).

    When done, there will be an executable file in dist/build/mp3driver. Pass an MP3 file to it

    $ mp3driver test.mp3

    And it will write a file, "out.wav", to the current directory.

    The actual decoder is in Codec/Audio/MP3. Change parts of it, run the build command again, and see what happens. :-)

    === Trouble? ===

    If, for some reason, the above doesn't work, there's a manual method of building the mp3driver program. Copy all *.hs, *.h and *.c files to the same directory. Build the two C files:

    $ gcc -O2 -c c_imdct.c $ gcc -O2 -c c_synth.c

    Change all "import Codec.Audio.MP3.XXX" in the Haskell source files to "import XXX". Then:

    $ ghc c_imdct.o c_synth.o --make Driver.hs