@hackage mmsyn7h0.4.1.0

Produces a sound recording specified by the Ukrainian text.

The executable mmsyn7h is auxilary for the mmsyn7ukr package (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmsyn7ukr). It works similarly to the mmsyn6ukr executable, but uses the voice sound files in the current directory. This allows to change the needed files and to produce them by some other means (e. g. by mmsyn7ukr). Besides, you can remove the created by mmsyn7ukr and mmsyn7h files while the last one is running, if you specified just one command line argument.

If you specify the second command line argument "s" and then String of the Ukrainian text, then the program will use only these sounds representations additionally to the default ones "-.wav", "0.wav" and "1.wav". To create the needed sound representations, please, execute mmsyn7s with the needed Ukrainian text to be sounded (being a command line arguments) and then use the resulting output as a third command line argument to the mmsyn7ukr program. For more information, refer to: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmsyn7ukr https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmsyn7s

In such a case the program will not delete the created resulting sound files.