@hackage miniball0.1.0.2

Bindings to Miniball, a smallest enclosing ball library

Bindings to Miniball, a C++ library (http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/gaertner/miniball.html) for computing the smallest enclosing ball of a set of points in Euclidean space.

The Miniball library itself is not included, as I consider it a dependency. It consists of only a header file, and can be retrieved from http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/gaertner/miniball.html. To build this package, simply have miniball.hpp in GCC's include path. The standard C++ library and GCC with C++ support are also needed.

Hackage probably fails to build the Haddock documentation since Miniball itself is missing. The documentation can be viewed at http://nonempty.org/software/haskell-miniball/.

Miniball itself is copyright 1999-2013, Bernd Gärtner.

The current version has only been tested with version 3.0 of Miniball.

Changes in version

  • Improve allocation before FFI call. Good speedup for short calls (factor 3 for 100000 points in R^3).