@hackage mig-swagger-ui0.1.0.1

Swagger servers for mig library


The package defines utils to add swagger UI for mig library. To add swagger just use function withSwagger:

main = runServer port (withSwagger def server)

With SwaggerConfig we can update defaults. To set information on app we can use mapSchema field of the swagger config.

There is type DefaultInfo to set common fields:

main = runServer port (withSwagger swaggerConfig server)
    swaggerConfig =
        { swaggerFile = "swagger.json"
        , staticDir = "swagger-ui"
        , mapSchema = pure . addDefaultInfo info

    info =
        { title = "Hello world app"
        , description = "Demo application"
        , version = "1.0"

Also see package openapi3 on how to update OpenApi schema.


Thanks to Oleg Grenrus for providing servant-swagger-ui library on which this package is based on. Thanks to David Johnson, Nickolay Kudasov, Maxim Koltsov authors of openapi3 and servant-openapi3 libraries. The mapping from Mig's Api to OpenApi is based on those packages.