@hackage lnd-client0.1.0.1

Lightning Network Daemon (LND) client library for Haskell


Lightning Network Daemon (LND) client library for Haskell. Nix is the only thing required to get started. Development environment is packed into nix-shell.


Spawn shell:


Develop in shell:

vi .

Run all tests with hot code reloading:


Run specific tests with hot code reloading:

ghcid --setup ":set args -m fromJSON"

Optional environment variables:

vi ~/.profile

export VIM_BACKGROUND="light" # or "dark"
export VIM_COLOR_SCHEME="PaperColor" # or "jellybeans"
export NIX_EXTRA_BUILD_INPUTS='[(import (fetchTarball "https://github.com/21it/ultimate-haskell-ide/tarball/ebfcd25eeac74ba813efa0b5929174cd59c4f4d2") {bundle = "haskell"; withGit = false;})]'
export NIX_WITH_SHELL_HOOK="true"

gRPC schema upgrade

  • We are using lnd version 0.14.1-beta
  • Run ./script/update-protobuf.sh (This will download latest proto files from github, so make sure that lnd version is consistent with latest protobufs)
  • Manually split lightning.proto into 3 smaller files, because at the single file is way too big and GHC-8.10.7 requires too much RAM to compile it. The issue might disappear with GHC-9.X.X.
  • Run ./script/generate-protoc.sh (This will generate haskell types and instances for downloaded protos)