@hackage line-bot-sdk0.7.2

Haskell SDK for LINE Messaging API

line-bot-sdk Build Actions

Servant library for building LINE chatbots.


  • Servant combinator LineReqBody for validation of request signatures using the channel secret. This is required to distinguish legitimate requests sent by LINE from malicious requests

  • Bindings for (most of) the Messaging APIs


From Hackage

line-bot-sdk is available on Hackage. Using the cabal-install tool:

cabal update
cabal install line-bot-sdk

From source

Building from source can be done using stack or cabal:

git clone github.com/moleike/line-bot-sdk.git
cd line-bot-sdk
stack install # Alternatively, `cabal install`


See the official API documentation for more information.


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import           Data.String        (fromString)
import           Line.Bot.Client
import           Line.Bot.Types
import           System.Environment (getEnv)

getProfiles :: Id Room -> Line [Profile]
getProfiles roomId = do
  userIds <- getRoomMemberUserIds roomId
  sequence $ getRoomMemberProfile roomId <$> userIds

main = do
  token  <- fromString <$> getEnv "CHANNEL_TOKEN"
  result <- runLine (getProfiles "U4af4980629...") token
  case result of
    Left err      -> print err
    Right profile -> print profile

See the examples/ directory for more comprehensive examples.


Please report bugs via the github issue tracker.


Thanks to the authors of servant-github, for inspiration.