@hackage level-monad0.2

Non-Determinism Monad for Level-Wise Search

Non-Determinism Monad for Level-Wise Search

This Haskell library provides an implementation of the MonadPlus type class that enumerates the levels of the search space and allows to implement breadth-first search.

A search space is formed by calls to return and mplus yielding a search tree with solutions in its leaves. For example, in the monadic action

return 1 `mplus` ((return 2 `mplus` return 3) `mplus` return 4)

the result 1 is in the second level, 4 in the third, and the results 2 and 3 are in the forth level. This is apparent from the following representation of this monadic action:

         /         \
   return 1          `mplus`
                   /         \
               `mplus`      return 4
             /         \
         return 2    return 3

However, the implementation does not build this tree structure as a data term but constructs its levels directly.

The library provides an operation to get the list of levels from a non-deterministic computation. The nth element in this list contains the results of the computation that are found on the nth level of the computation. Hence, using concat to merge the levels, yields breadth-first search, but different combination function (e.g. diagonalisation) can be applied too.

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