@hackage language-objc0.4.2.8

Analysis and generation of Objective C code

= Language.C =

Language.C is a parser and pretty-printer framework for C99 and the extensions of gcc.

See http://www.sivity.net/projects/language.c/

== Build and Install ==

cabal install

-- or --

runhaskell Setup configure FLAGS runhaskell Setup build runhaskell Setup install

Provide the set of flags passing --flags="" to configure.

== Compatibility ==

Tested with ghc-6.12 (Ubuntu), ghc-7.0 (OSX 10.5, Linux) and ghc-7.2 (Linux). It is recommended to use the most recent platform release: http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/.

== Sources ==

see src/README

== Examples ==

A couple of small examples are available in /examples

== Testing ==

A couple of regression tests can be run via

cd test/harness; make

For more tests, see test/README.

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (1)

  • Package Flags

       (on by default)

      Use ByteString as InputStream datatype

       (on by default)

      Data.Generics available in separate package.