@hackage indieweb-algorithms0.1.1

A collection of implementations of IndieWeb algorithms.

indieweb-algorithms Hackage unlicense

A collection of implementations of IndieWeb- and Microformats 2-related algorithms (based on microformats2-parser and http-link-header):

  • finding all microformats of a given type (while retaining the path to them), ie. flattening the tree
  • discovering authorship of an h-entry
  • discovering Webmention/Micropub/IndieAuth/etc. endpoints (HTTP Link header, a and link tags with the rel attribute)
  • parsing tweets on Twitter.com into microformats (like php-mf2-shim)
  • detecting post types
  • converting microformats to Atom feeds



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Network.HTTP.Link
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Microformats2.Parser
import Data.IndieWeb.Endpoints

discoverEndpoints [ "micropub" ] (parseMf2 def $ documentRoot $ parseLBS "<link rel=micropub href='http://example.com/micropub2'>...") (fromMaybe [] $ parseLinkHeader "<http://example.com/micropub>; rel=\"micropub\"")


Use stack to build.
Use ghci to run tests quickly with :test (see the .ghci file).

$ stack build

$ stack test

$ stack ghci


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE file or unlicense.org.