@hackage hunp0.1

Unpacker tool with DWIM

  • INTRODUCTION hunp (written in all lower-case, pronounced like "hump", previously written with an umlaut (hünp)) is a small tool which automagically extracts anything you pass to it, the way you want it. It recognizes a bunch of different file extensions, such as rar, gz, zip, etc. and can easily be customized using your own configuration file.

  • USAGE Here are a few examples which should give you the idea...

$ hunp ~/download/lollerskates.tar.gz Found ~/download/lollerskates.tar.gz Calling "tar zxvf ~/download/lollerskates.tar.gz" ...

$ hunp ~/download/Lollerskates.S01E03/ Found ~/download/Lollerskates.S01E03/lol.s01e03.r00 Calling "unrar x ~/download/Lollerskates.S01E03/lol.s01e03.r00" ...

  • OPTIONS -q --quiet suppress hunp's stdout -Q --stfu suppress hunp'sstdout and stderr -d --default prints the default configuration -v --version prints the version

  • CONFIGURATION You can use your own configuration by creating the file ~/.hunp/hunp.conf. The file format is pretty simple and you can get a good start by running "hunp -d > ~/.hunp/hunp.conf", which will put the default configuration in that file.

** Format The configuration file needs to be on the following format: reg1,reg2 command reg3 command reg4,reg5,reg6 command

"regX" means a regular expression (Perl-compatible) and command is any command that you would normally execute in the shell to unpack a file matching one of the corresponding regular expressions. The regular expressions are read left-to-right, top-to-bottom and will stop on the first match. Each command should contain %s as a whole word, i.e. no quotation marks or other stuff is allowed around it. Note that the delimiter between regular expressions and commands is a literal tab character. It is allowed however to use more than one tab.

Examples: unrar x '%s' <- invalid unrar x %s <- valid unrar x %s> hello <- invalid

  • None.
  • DOWNLOADING Get the latest git repository: $ git clone git://github.com/skorpan/hunp.git

If you're not interested in the bleeding-edge version of hunp, just use cabal-install:

$ cabal install hunp