@hackage hspec-discover0.0.3

Automatically discover and run Hspec tests

Say you have a driver module for your test suite.

module Main where

import Test.Hspec.Monadic

import qualified FooSpec
import qualified Foo.BarSpec
import qualified BazSpec

main :: IO ()
main = hspecX $ do
  describe "Foo"     FooSpec.spec
  describe "Foo.Bar" Foo.BarSpec.spec
  describe "Baz"     BazSpec.spec

Then you can replace it with the following.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}

All files with a name that ends in Spec.hs are include in the generated test suite. And it is assumed, that they export a spec of type Test.Hspec.Monadic.Specs.

Full documentation is here: https://github.com/sol/hspec-discover#readme