@hackage hsimport0.4

A command line program for extending the import list of a Haskell source file.


A command line program for extending the import list of a Haskell source file.

hsimport gets the module name and the symbol name to import as arguments, parses the given source file using the library haskell-src-exts and then tries to only extend the import list if it's necessary. If the symbol is already imported or if the whole module is already imported, then the given source file isn't changed.


cabal install hsimport


$> hsimport -m 'Control.Monad' SomeSource.hs`
=> import Control.Monad

$> hsimport -m 'Control.Monad' -s 'when' SomeSource.hs
=> import Control.Monad (when)

$> hsimport -m 'Control.Monad' -q 'CM' SomeSource.hs
=> import qualified Control.Monad as CM

$> hsimport -m 'Data.Maybe' -s 'Maybe'
=> import Data.Maybe (Maybe)

$> hsimport -m 'Data.Maybe' -s 'Maybe' -a
=> import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))

$> hsimport -m 'Data.Maybe' -s 'Maybe' -w 'Just'
=> import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just))

$> hsimport -m 'Data.Maybe' -s 'Maybe' -w 'Just' -w 'Nothing'
=> import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just, Nothing))

Text Editor Integration


Command Line Usage

$> hsimport --help
  A command line program for extending the import list of a Haskell source

Common flags:
  -m --modulename=ITEM     The module to import
  -s --symbolname=ITEM     The symbol to import, if empty, the entire module
                           is imported
  -a --all                 All constructors or methods of the symbol should
                           be imported: 'Symbol(..)'
  -w --with=ITEM           The constructors or methods of the symbol
                           should be imported: 'Symbol(With)'
  -q --qualifiedname=ITEM  The name to use for a qualified module import
  -o --outputsrcfile=FILE  Save modified source file to file, if empty, the
                           source file is modified inplace
  -h --help                Display help message
  -v --version             Print version information


There is some rudimentarily handling for code using CPP, but the import statements might be added at the wrong place, because the lines containing CPP directives are ignored and therefore they aren't considered in the source line count.