@hackage hops0.0.2

Hackable Operations on Power Series

HOPS HOPS Build Status

Hackable Operations on Power Series.


The easiest way to get started is to download a prebuilt binary. Such binaries can be found on the releases page. The binaries are statically linked and should work on any Linux system.

Alternative ways of installing hops include using the nix package manager:

$ nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA haskellPackages.hops

Or cabal:

$ cabal install hops

Usage examples

Fibonacci numbers

The generating function, f, for the Fibonacci numbers satisfies f=1+(x+x2)f, and using hops we can get the coefficient of f directly from this equation:

$ hops 'f=1+(x+x^2)*f'
f=1+(x+x^2)*f => {1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610}

Alternatively, we could first solve for f in f=1+(x+x2)f and let hops expand that expression:

$ hops 'f=1/(1-x-x^2)'
f=1/(1-x-x^2) => {1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610}

Catalan numbers

It could hardly be easier:

$ hops C=1+x*C^2
C=1+x*C^2 => {1,1,2,5,14,42,132,429,1430,4862,16796,58786,208012,742900,2674440}

Bell numbers

The exponential generating function for the Bell numbers is eex-1 and we can give that expression to hops:

$ hops --prec=10 'exp(exp(x)-1)'
exp(exp(x)-1) => {1,1,1,5/6,5/8,13/30,203/720,877/5040,23/224,1007/17280}

To get the Bell numbers we, however, also need to multiply the coefficient of xn in that series by n!; this is what the laplace transform does:

$ hops --prec=10 'f=exp(exp(x)-1);laplace(f)'
f=exp(exp(x)-1);laplace(f) => {1,1,2,5,15,52,203,877,4140,21147}

Euler numbers

Power series defined by trigonometric functions are fine too:

$ hops --prec=12 'f=sec(x)+tan(x);laplace(f)'
f=sec(x)+tan(x);laplace(f) => {1,1,1,2,5,16,61,272,1385,7936,50521,353792}

Number of ballots (ordered set partitions)

This sequence most simply defined by its exponential generating function y=1/(2-ex):

$ hops --prec 10 'y=1/(2-exp(x)); laplace(y)'
y=1/(2-exp(x));laplace(y) => {1,1,3,13,75,541,4683,47293,545835,7087261}

Alternatively, one can exploit that y'=2y2-y:

$ hops --prec 10 'y = 1 + integral(2*y^2 - y); laplace(y)'
y=1+integral(2*y^2-y);laplace(y) => {1,1,3,13,75,541,4683,47293,545835,7087261}

Composing programs

Using the special variable stdin we can compose programs:

$ hops 'f=1+(x+x^2)*f' | hops 'stdin/(1-x)'
f=1+(x+x^2)*f;f/(1-x) => {1,2,4,7,12,20,33,54,88,143,232,376,609,986,1596}

As a side note, one can show that our programs form a monoid under this type of composition.

Be aware that hops may have to rename variables when composing programs:

$ hops --prec=10 'f=1+(x+x^2)*f' | hops 'f=1/(1-2*x);f/(1-x*stdin)'
f=1+(x+x^2)*f;g=1+2*x*g;g/(1-x*f) => {1,3,8,21,54,137,344,857,2122,5229,12836}

Misc transformations

HOPS knows about many of the transformations used by OEIS https://oeis.org/transforms.html.

As an example, the sequences A067145 claims to shift left under reversion:

S A067145 1,1,-1,3,-13,69,-419,2809,-20353,157199,-1281993,10963825,-97828031,
N A067145 Shifts left under reversion.

Let's test that claim:

$ hops 'REVERT(A067145)-LEFT(A067145)'
REVERT(A067145)-LEFT(A067145) => {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}

HOPS program files

Sometimes it is useful be able to apply many transformations to the same input. One way to achieve that is to write a little program with the transformations we are interested in. E.g. if we create a file transforms.hops containing


then we can apply all of these transforms to 1/(1-x) as follows:

$ hops '1/(1-x)' | hops --prec=9 -f transforms.hops
f=1/(1-x);BINOMIAL(f) => {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256}
f=1/(1-x);EULER(f) => {1,2,3,5,7,11,15,22,30}
f=1/(1-x);REVEGF(f) => {1,-2,9,-64,625,-7776,117649,-2097152,43046721}
f=1/(1-x);STIRLING(f) => {1,2,5,15,52,203,877,4140,21147}

N.B: As in this example, the preferred file extension for HOPS program files is .hops.

Tagging sequences

$ printf "1,1,2,5,17,33\n1,1,2,5,19,34\n" | hops --tag 1
TAG000001 => {1,1,2,5,17,33}
TAG000002 => {1,1,2,5,19,34}

The man page

For further information on usage see the man page.

A grammar for HOPS programs

hops ::= prg { "\n" prg }

prg ::= cmd { ";" cmd }

cmd ::= expr0 | name "=" expr0

expr0 ::= expr0 ("+" | "-") expr0 | expr1

expr1 ::= expr1 ("*" | "/" | ".*" | "./") expr1 | expr2

expr2 ::= expr3 "^" expr2 | expr3

expr3 ::= ("-" | "+") expr3 | expr4 "!" | name "(" expr4 ")"
          | expr4 "@" expr4
          | expr4

expr4 ::= "x" | anum | tag | name | literal | "{" { terms } "}"
          | expr0

literal ::= int

int ::= digit { digit }

digit ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9"

alpha ::= "A" | "B" | ... | "Z" | "a" | "b" | ... | "z"

alphanum ::= alpha | digit

name ::= alphanum { alphanum | "_" }

terms ::= cexpr0 { "," expr0 } ("..." | cexpr0 | fun)

fun ::= the same as cexpr0 except literal = linear

linear ::= int | int "*n"

cexpr0 ::= cexpr0 ("+" | "-") cexpr0 | cexpr1

cexpr1 ::= cexpr1 ("*" | "/") cexpr1 | cexpr2

cexpr2 ::= cexpr3 "^" cexpr2 | cexpr3

cexpr3 ::= ("+" | "-") cexpr3 | cexpr4 "!" | cexpr4

cexpr4 ::= literal | cexpr0


Have you found a bug? Want to contribute to hops? Please open an issue at https://github.com/akc/hops/issues.

How to cite

  author = "Anders Claesson",
  title  = "HOPS: Hackable Operations on Power Series",
  year   =  2015,
  howpublished = "\url{http://akc.is/hops}"


BSD-3: see the LICENSE file.

  • Installation


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