@hackage hmp31.1

        hmp3 : an ncurses mp3 player written in Haskell

Dependencies: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler >= 6.4.2 http://haskell.org/ghc mpg321 http://mpg321.sourceforge.net/ A version of FPS >= 0.7 http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/fps.html A Cabal newer than 1.0 http://haskell.org/cabal curses

Building: $ chmod +x configure Setup.hs $ ./Setup.hs configure --prefix=/home/dons $ ./Setup.hs build $ ./Setup.hs install

This assumes you have Cabal installed. Cabal is installed by default with newer GHCs. If your Cabal version is too old (v1.0 that comes with GHC 6.4.1 is too old), or if you see: dist/build/hmp3-tmp/cbits/utils.o: No such file or directory errors, then you need to download a newer Cabal version first.

Use: To populate a playlist, and start:

$ hmp3 ~/mp3/dir/
$ hmp3 a.mp3 b.mp3

From then on this playlist is saved in ~/.hmp3db, and is reloaded
automatically, if you restart hmp3 with no arguments.

$ hmp3

Type 'h' to display the help page. The other commands are explained
on the help screen, which can be accessed by typing 'h'. Quit with


Colours may be configured at runtime by editing the "~/.hmp3" file.
An example would be:

    Config { 
             hmp3_window      = ("brightwhite", "black")
           , hmp3_helpscreen  = ("black",       "cyan")
           , hmp3_titlebar    = ("green",       "blue")
           , hmp3_selected    = ("brightwhite", "black")
           , hmp3_cursors     = ("black",       "cyan")
           , hmp3_combined    = ("black",       "cyan")
           , hmp3_warnings    = ("brightwhite", "red")
           , hmp3_blockcursor = ("black",       "darkred")
           , hmp3_progress    = ("cyan",        "white")

After editing this file, hit 'l' to have the changes used by hmp3.

The keymaps are configurable by adding your own bindings to
Config.hs (as are the colours). Edit this file before compilation.

Alternatively, you can switch betwee dark and light settings without
recompiling. If you have a light xterm, set HMP_HAS_LIGHT_BG=true in
your shell, and hmp3 will use the light color settings by default.

Limitations: It only plays mp3 files (and variants supported by mpg{321,123}. So no ogg files for now. This is on the todo list though.

It is possible to use mpg123, however it appears to be more error
prone, and less stable than mpg321.

Platforms and portability: hmp3 has been confirmed to work on: OpenBSD/x86 Linux/x86 FreeBSD/x86 Linux/ppc MacOSX/ppc Irix/mips64

* You need -threaded.

* On platforms without a native code generator, you should remove the
reference to -fasm in the hmp3.cabal file

License: GPL

Author: Don Stewart, Tue Jun 27 17:11:03 EST 2006

Contributors: Samuel Bronson Stefan Wehr Tomasz Zielonka David Himmelstrup