@hackage hjsonschema0.1.1.0

Haskell implementation of JSON Schema v4.


An implementation of JSON Schema v4 in haskell.


Still in development. Lacks documentation, example code, and real error messages.

Also while all the official tests pass, its implementation of the $ref and id keywords is incomplete.

Install Tests

git submodule update --init

Run Tests

cd JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/remotes
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1234

Then run the normal cabal test from another terminal.

Note that the tests require an internet connection.


This uses the regexpr regular expression library fo the "pattern" validator. I have no idea if this is compatible with the ECMA 262 regex dialect, which the spec requires.


Thanks to Julian Berman for the fantastic test suite.

Also thanks to Tim Baumann for his aeson-schema library. Hjsonschema is based on Aeson-Schema, and some code is directly from there.