@hackage hedn0.2.0.0

EDN parsing and encoding

Haskell EDN

An EDN parsing and encoding library inspired by aeson.

Based on spec and hints published on GitHub.

Hackage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hedn

Stackage: https://www.stackage.org/package/hedn



(#haskell/edn example/kitchensink ; tagged symbol
 nil ; ugh..
 \space ; character
 "dynamic \"typing\"" ; string
 {:numbers ; keyword
  [42 ; integer
   42.0 ; floating
  ] ; Vector
  #{true, false} ; Set (with optional commas)
 } ; Map
) ; List
import qualified Data.EDN as EDN
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text

main = do
  edn <- Text.readFile "example.edn"
  value <- EDN.parseText "example.edn" edn
  print value
     [ Tagged "haskell" "edn" (Symbol "example" "kitchensink")
     , NoTag Nil
     , NoTag (Character ' ')
     , NoTag (String "dynamic \"typing\"")
     , NoTag
               [ ( NoTag (Keyword "bools")
                 , NoTag
                     (Set (fromList [ NoTag (Boolean False) , NoTag (Boolean True) ]))
               , ( NoTag (Keyword "numbers")
                 , NoTag (Vec [ NoTag (Integer 42) , NoTag (Floating 42.0) ])


More examples in tests/Data/EDN/Class/Test.hs.

data Person = Person
  { personFirst :: Text
  , personLast  :: Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToEDN Person where
  toEDN Person{..} =
    toEDNtagged "myapp" "Person" $ Map.fromList
      [ (EDN.Keyword "first", toEDN personFirst)
      , (EDN.Keyword "last", toEDN personLast)

instance FromEDN Person where
  parseEDN = \case
    EDN.Tagged "myapp" "Person" v -> Person
      <$> EDN.mapGetKeyword "first" v
      <*> EDN.mapGetKeyword "last" v
    _ ->
      fail "myapp/Person expected"
import qualified Data.EDN as EDN
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text

main = Text.putStrLn $
  encodeText (Person "Fred" "Mertz")
#myapp/Person {:first "Fred" :last "Mertz"}


Embed EDN AST literals with edn:

fredEDN = [edn|
  #myapp/Person {:first "Fred" :last "Mertz"}

Additionally there are QQs for untagged collections. They simply wrap the block in appropriate symbols.

  • Lists, ()
    EDN.List (items :: [TaggedValue]) =
        this is a list of symbols, commas are whitespace
  • Vectors, []
    EDN.Vec (items :: Vector TaggedValue) =
        42 is #the/answer true
  • Sets, #{}
    EDN.Set (items :: Set TaggedValue) =
        badger badger badger badger
        badger badger badger badger
        mushroom mushroom
  • Maps, {}
    EDN.Map (dict :: Map TaggedValue TaggedValue) =
        :keywords "as you like it"
        or/symbols "I won't judge"
        #uuid "d748ab62-9cb1-41fb-b8dc-e23f3ffc5f9b"
        (tagged values, collections, anything goes)

EDN as DSL syntax

You can add quasiquoters for your values by specializing fromEDN QuasiQuoter.

Usual TH shenanigans apply. Define things in a separate module. Either Data.Data.Data or Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Lift instance required to convert values to Haskell AST.

module My.Data.QQ (myData) where

import Data.EDN.QQ (fromEDN)
import My.Data.Types (MyData)

myData :: QuasiQuoter
myData = fromEDN @MyData
module Main where

import My.Data.QQ (myData)

main :: IO ()
main = cobc
        [#program/id hello]
        ((display "Hello, world!"