@hackage hblas0.2.0.0

Human friendly BLAS and Lapack bindings for Haskell.


About hblas

hblas is an open source component of the Wellposed® mathematical software suite.

Members of the numerical haskell open source community can be found on irc at #numerical-haskell on freenode, and via the numericalhaskell mailing list.

Build Status

hblas is a self contained full (well, not quite yet) BLAS and LAPACK binding that provides the full BLAS and LAPACKE APIs in a simple, unopinionated, Haskell wrapper.

This library is NOT meant to be used by end users, it is designed to be an unopinionated, simple, portable, easy to install BLAS/LAPACK substrate for higher level numerical computing libraries to build upon. Morever, this library is strictly a wrapper, and simply makes using the functionality of BLAS and LAPACK more accessible.

This library is NOT meant to be used a standalone array library (except in desperation), but rather should be used by a higher level numerical array library to provide high performance linear algebra routines.

how to install (using openblas)

By default, hblas will assume you have OpenBLAS built and installed, including the LAPACKE interfaces for LAPACK, somewhere in your standard library path.

  • On OS X systems, things will just work.
  • On linux and bsd systems, the equivalent of
sudo apt-get install libblas liblapack

is all you should have to do before hand

getting involved

patches, bug reports, tests, and other contributions welcome.

Want to add a new routine, check out the ones listed in the lapack section of the Intel MKL manual to get some human readable documentation.

I have > 32bit size arrays, help!

Congrats, you have ``big compute on big data'', contact Carter and we'll try to help you out.