@hackage hasktags0.67

Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs

"hasktags" is a very simple Haskell program that produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs.

As such, it does essentially the same job that hstags and fptags used to do, but, both of those seem to no longer be maintained, and it seemed to be easier to write my own version rather than to get one of them to work.

Example usage:

find -name *.*hs | xargs hasktags

This will create "tags" and "TAGS" files in the current directory describing all Haskell files in the current directory or below.

Features * Includes top level functions, provided a type signature is given * Includes data declarations, and constructors * Includes newtypes

- But sometimes gets things wrong or misses things out
	It's only a simple program

Using with your editor:

With NEdit Load the "tags" file using File/Load Tags File. Use "Ctrl-D" to search for a tag.

With XEmacs/Emacs Load the "TAGS" file using "visit-tags-table" Use "M-." to search for a tag.