@hackage haskell-google-trends0.0.2

Simple library for accessing Google Trends

Very simple library for accessing Google Trends


cabal install haskell-google-trends


Currently library exports two functions. Both return maybe a list of tuples of form (Year, Month, Value).

queryTrendsWithLogin :: String -> String -> Maybe (String, Int) -> String -> IO (Maybe [(Integer, String, Integer)])
queryTrendsWithLogin email password maybeProxy keywords

queryTrendsNoLogin :: Maybe (String, Int) -> String -> IO (Maybe [(Integer, String, Integer)])
queryTrendsNoLogin maybeProxy keywords

Example (No proxy):

import Google.Trends

main = do
    Just results <- queryTrendsWithLogin "your-login@gmail.com" "password" Nothing "pizza"
    print [(month, value) | (year, month, value) <- results, year == 2010]

Example (With proxy):

import Google.Trends

main = do
    Just results <- queryTrendsNoLogin (Just ("", 8083)) "pizza"
    print [(month, value) | (year, month, value) <- results, year == 2010]