@hackage hakyll-typescript0.0.2.0

Typescript and javascript hakyll compilers.


Hackage Badge

A simple hakyll typescript compiler for typescript and javascript resources. Uses hjsmin for compression.

Assumes that the typescript compiler is installed and available to the user running hakyll.

Example Usage

In your hakyll site simply import the compiler you are interested in using and provide it as the compiler for your relevant script files.

import Hakyll.Typescript.TS

main = hakyll $ do
  -- Matches any file inside the directory ./scripts
  match "scripts/**" $ do
    route   $ setExtension "js"
    -- compiles all typescript and javascript to the js target
    -- then compresses the result
    compile compressJtsCompiler

See the documentation for other available compilers.

Build the Source

This project uses stack. Clone the project, then run stack build from the root.

Build the Docs

For whatever reason stack haddock fails to pull down some necessary packages. To build the docs run stack exec haddock -- --html --hoogle --html-location=../$pkg-$version/ --hyperlinked-source --quickjump src/**/*.hs -o doc. The index will be found in ./doc/.