@hackage hakyll-images0.0.1

Hakyll utilities to work with images


Build status

A Haskell package containing utilities to deal with images in the context of Hakyll

Hakyll is a static website compiler library. As one of the benefits of static websites is their small size, this repository aims at providing utilities to work with images in the context of Hakyll. Example usage includes:

  • Re-encoding Jpeg images at a lower quality to make them much smaller;
  • Re-sizing images to fit within a certain shape


hakyll-images is meant to be integrated within a Hakyll program. For example, to compress all Jpeg images present in your source:

import Hakyll
import Hakyll.Images        (compressJpgCompiler)

(... omitted ...)

hakyll $ do

    (... omitted ...)

    -- Compress all source Jpegs to a Jpeg quality of 50 (maximum of 100)
    match "images/**.jpg" $ do
            route idRoute
            compile (compressJpgCompiler 50)

    (... omitted ...)

Take a look at the documentation for more usage examples.


hakyll-images is available on Hackage. Using the cabal-install tool:

cabal update
cabal install hakyll-images