@hackage grm0.1.1

grm grammar converter

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (0)

Introducing the grm compiler construction tool. Grm takes a grammar specification and generates Haskell bindings. Grm is essentially a simplified bnfc which only generates Haskell (bnfc http://www.cse.chalmers.se/research/group/Language-technology/BNFC/).

Given a grammar the tool produces:

  • an abstract syntax implementation
  • a Happy parser generator file
  • a pretty-printer

Grm also has some library code for lexing and misc. language development tasks (e.g. unique identifiers).

I use grm heavily in my pec language compiler. (git@github.com:stevezhee/pec.git and on hackage). You can check out pec for example grm usage.


  • type 'make'
  • resolve all hackage dependencies
  • type 'make' again

You can download and install grm via cabal or access the git repository on github (git@github.com:stevezhee/grm.git).

Any feedback on the design and/or implementation of grm would be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks, Brett brettletner at gmail dot com