@hackage fixed-vector0.3.0.0

Generic vectors with statically known size.

Generic library for vectors with statically known size. Implementation is based on http://unlines.wordpress.com/2010/11/15/generics-for-small-fixed-size-vectors/ Same functions could be used to work with both ADT based vector like

data Vec3 a = a a a

Tuples are vectors too:


Vectors which are represented internally by arrays are provided by library. Both boxed and unboxed arrays are supported.

Library is structured as follows:

Generic API. It's suitable for both ADT-based vector like Complex and array-based ones.
Continuation based vectors. Internally all functions use them.
Type classes for array-based implementation and API for working with mutable state.
Unboxed vectors.
Boxed vector which can hold elements of any type.
Unboxed vectors of Storable types.
Unboxed vectors based on pritimive package.

Changes in

  • Vector type class definition is moved to the D.V.F.Cont module.

  • Indexing function restored.

  • unfoldr added.

Changes in

  • Continuation-based vector added.

  • Right fold added.

  • tailWith, convertContinuation, and ! from Data.Vector.Fixed removed.

  • Vector instance for tuples added.

Changes in 0.1.2

  • imap, imapM, ifoldl, ifoldM, zipWithM, izipWithM functions are added.

  • VectorN type class added.

Changes in 0.1.1

  • foldM and tailWith added. Type synonyms for numbers up to 6 are added. Fun is reexported from Data.Vector.Fixed.