@hackage ffmpeg-light0.12.0.1

Minimal bindings to the FFmpeg library.

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (1)

  • Package Flags

       (off by default)

      Build demo executable

       (off by default)

      Build Rasterific demo executable

       (off by default)

      Build video player demo executable

       (off by default)

      Build transcode demo executable

Stream frames from an encoded video, or stream frames to a video output file. To read the first frame from an h264-encoded file into a JuicyPixels Maybe DynamicImage,

import Codec.FFmpeg
import Codec.Picture
import Control.Applicative

go :: IO (Maybe DynamicImage)
go = do (getFrame, cleanup) <- imageReader "myVideo.mov"
        (fmap ImageRGB8 <$> getFrame) <* cleanup

Tested with FFmpeg 3.1 - 3.2.4