@hackage extensible-effects-concurrent0.9.2.1

Message passing concurrency as extensible-effect


Message passing concurrency with 'forkIO' and 'extensible-effects' inspired by Erlang.

Build Status


Also included:

  • Logging

  • Memory Leak Free forever


module Main where

import           Control.Eff
import           Control.Eff.Lift
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent
import           Data.Dynamic
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.DeepSeq

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
    lift (threadDelay 100000) -- because of async logging
    firstExample forkIoScheduler
    lift (threadDelay 100000) -- ... async logging
    -- The SchedulerProxy paremeter contains the effects of a specific scheduler
    -- implementation.

newtype WhoAreYou = WhoAreYou ProcessId deriving (Typeable, NFData)

firstExample :: (HasLoggingIO q) => SchedulerProxy q -> Eff (Process q ': q) ()
firstExample px = do
  person <- spawn
      logInfo "I am waiting for someone to ask me..."
      WhoAreYou replyPid <- receiveMessageAs px
      sendMessageAs px replyPid "Alice"
      logInfo (show replyPid ++ " just needed to know it.")
  me <- self px
  sendMessageAs px person (WhoAreYou me)
  personName <- receiveMessageAs px
  logInfo ("I just met " ++ personName)

Running this example causes this output: (not entirely true because of async logging, but true enough)

2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG     scheduler loop entered                                                   ForkIOScheduler.hs line 131
2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG            !1 [ThreadId 11] enter process                                                            ForkIOScheduler.hs line 437
2018-11-05T10:50:42 NOTICE           !1 [ThreadId 11] ++++++++ main process started ++++++++                                   ForkIOScheduler.hs line 394
2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG            !2 [ThreadId 12] enter process                                                            ForkIOScheduler.hs line 437
2018-11-05T10:50:42 INFO             !2 [ThreadId 12] I am waiting for someone to ask me...                                               Main.hs line 27
2018-11-05T10:50:42 INFO             !2 [ThreadId 12] !1 just needed to know it.                                                          Main.hs line 30
2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG            !2 [ThreadId 12] returned                                                                 ForkIOScheduler.hs line 440
2018-11-05T10:50:42 INFO             !1 [ThreadId 11] I just met Alice                                                                    Main.hs line 35
2018-11-05T10:50:42 NOTICE           !1 [ThreadId 11] ++++++++ main process returned ++++++++                                  ForkIOScheduler.hs line 396
2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG            !1 [ThreadId 11] returned                                                                 ForkIOScheduler.hs line 440
2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG     scheduler loop returned                                                  ForkIOScheduler.hs line 133
2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG     scheduler cleanup begin                                                  ForkIOScheduler.hs line 137
2018-11-05T10:50:42 NOTICE    cancelling processes: []                                                 ForkIOScheduler.hs line 149
2018-11-05T10:50:42 DEBUG     scheduler cleanup done                                                   ForkIOScheduler.hs line 141



Still todo...

extensible-effects-concurrent LTS

Scheduler Variation

The ambiguity-flexibility trade-off introduced by using extensible effects kicks in because the Process type has a Spawn clause, which needs to know the Effects.

That is resolved by an omnipresent scheduler proxy parameter.

I will resolve this issue in one of these ways, but haven't decided:

  • By using backpack - best option, apart from missing stack support

  • By duplicating the code for each scheduler implementation

  • By using implicit parameters (experimental use of that technique is in the logging part) - problem is that implicit parameter sometimes act weired and also might break compiler inlineing.


  • Process Linking/Monitoring

  • Scheduler ekg Monitoring

  • Timers and Timeouts (e.g. in receive)

  • Rename stuff