@hackage explore0.0.7.2

Experimental Plot data Reconstructor


explore image legend tolerance scan-area interval [translation]


image the image file to scan, it should be a 32-bit PNG with an alpha channel

legend the legend file that contains a list of names and base line colors in this format

              [("Frame", RGBA 255 0 0 255),("Line",  RGBA 0 0 255 255)]

tolerance how much color components can deviate from base colors

              S            strict: allow no deviation         (= TC 0 0 0 0)

              TA m         maximum delta for all components   (= TC m m m m)

              TC r g b a   individiual maximum delta values
                           for corresponding components

scan-area which part of the image is to be scanned

                                        (w = image width, h = image height)

              F            all image area                  (= B 0 0 w h)

              O l t        offset from left and top        (= B l t w h)

              M l t r b    margins from left, top,         (= B l t w-r h-b)
                           right and bottom

              B l t r b    a plot box; with left, top, right and bottom
                           positions in pixels

interval horizontal scan interval in pixels, this value is read as a floating point number so you can give 4,5 for a scan

translation 2d translation to be applied to the output pixels

              Identity     output pixels exactly as they are located
                           in the input image; old default with full
                           scan area

              Box Bottom   output pixel positions relevant to the left
                           and bottom lines of the plot box; new default

              Box Top      output pixel positions relevant to the left
                           and top lines of the plot box


  • Fixed help output


  • Added basic 2D translation support
  • Changed default 2D translation from Identity to "Box Bottom" To get old behaviour from previous versions: use Identity


  • First version created in collaboration with An Le Thi Thanh


  • It is only a very early hack ^__^"!!
  • Line occlusion causes matches to fail.
  • Supports only 32-bit PNGs (with an alpha/transparency channel).
  • No automatic recognition whatsoever of figures/plots given a full page. Lots of happy moments with Gimp and Inkscape!!


  • The example plots provided with this package are from:

    Incorporating Environmental factors in Modelling Malaria Transmission in under five children in Rural Burkina Faso

    Inaugural Dissertation to attain the degree of Doctor Scientiarum humanarum (Dr. Sc. Hum.)

    At the Medical Faculty of Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

    submitted by Yazoumé Yé

    from Sayoro, Burkina Faso September 2005

  • To create the example outputs:

    explore 39-cisse-x.png 39-legend "TC 100 150 150 150" F 20.83 Identity explore 39-goni-x.png 39-legend "TC 100 150 150 150" F 20.83 Identity explore 39-nouna-x.png 39-legend "TC 100 150 150 150" F 20.83 Identity


Cetin Sert, cetin.sert@gmail.com