@hackage ether0.5.1.0

Monad transformers and classes

  • Deprecated

  • Dependencies (12)

  • Dependents (1)

  • Package Flags

       (off by default)

      Disable auto-generated HasLens instances for tuples. The reason one might want to do this is to reduce the size of .hi-files, as well as the time and memory GHC needs to build Ether. To recover flattening with tuples, use Ether.Internal.makeTupleInstancesHasLens at specific tuple sizes you need in your application. This is a build-time performance hack, enable this flag at your own risk.

Ether is a Haskell library that extends mtl and transformers with tagged monad transformers and classes in a compatible way. Introduction https://int-index.github.io/ether/