@hackage espial0.0.5

Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server.


Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server.

It allows mutiple accounts, but currently intended for self-host scenarios.

The bookmarks are stored in a sqlite3 database, for ease of deployment & maintenence.

The easist way for logged-in users to add bookmarks, is with the "bookmarklet", found on the Settings page.

demo server

log in — username: demo password: demo



Haskell Setup

  1. If you haven't already, install Stack
    • On POSIX systems, this is usually curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
  2. Install the yesod command line tool: stack install yesod-bin --install-ghc

Espial Setup

  1. Build executables

    stack build
  2. Create the database

    stack exec migration -- createdb --conn espial.sqlite3
  3. Create a user

    stack exec migration -- createuser --conn espial.sqlite3 --userName myusername --userPassword myuserpassword
  4. Import a bookmark file for a user (optional)

     stack exec migration -- importbookmarks --conn espial.sqlite3 --userName myusername --bookmarkFile sample-bookmarks.json
  5. Start a development server:

    stack exec -- yesod devel
  6. Start a production server:

    stack exec espial

Import Bookmark file format

see sample-bookmarks.json, which contains a JSON array, each line containing a Post object.


[ {"href":"http:\/\/mqtt.org\/","description":"MQTT","extended":"long description","time":"2018-02-25T21:22:42Z","shared":"yes","toread":"no","tags":"mqtt"}
, {"href":"http:\/\/mqtt.com\/","description":"MQTT","extended":"big  description","time":"2019-02-25T21:22:42Z","shared":"yes","toread":"no","tags":"mqtt"}