@hackage elerea-examples1.2.0

Example applications for Elerea

This package provides some simple examples in order to help getting started with the Elerea FRP library. Check out the doc directory for the colourful literate sources of the Chase and Breakout examples. All the executables created start with the elerea- prefix.

The programs included are the following:

  • Chase: a minimal example that demonstrates reactivity and mutually recursive signals; you can give a thrust to the square following the mouse with a left click.

  • Breakout: a not too fancy breakout clone that also demonstrates Graphviz output; you can get an SVG rendition of the signal structure with the following command if Graphviz is installed:

    elerea-breakout --dump-dot | dot -Tsvg -o breakout.svg

    You can simply use the mouse to move the paddle.

  • Bounce: an example for creating dynamic collections of signals with the experimental interface; left click to create balls, drag existing balls with left button to propel them and drag with right to select balls for deletion (upon release)