@hackage easytest0.3

Simple, expressive testing library

EasyTest is a simple testing toolkit for unit- and property-testing. It's based on the hedgehog property-testing system. Here's an example usage:

module Main where

import           EasyTest
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen   as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range

suite :: Test
suite = tests
  [ scope "addition.ex1" $ unitTest $ 1 + 1 === 2
  , scope "addition.ex2" $ unitTest $ 2 + 3 === 5
  , scope "list.reversal" $ property $ do
      ns <- forAll $
        Gen.list (Range.singleton 10) (Gen.int Range.constantBounded)
      reverse (reverse ns) === ns
  -- equivalent to `scope "addition.ex3"`
  , scope "addition" . scope "ex3" $ unitTest $ 3 + 3 === 6
  , scope "always passes" $ unitTest success -- record a success result
  , scope "failing test" $ crash "oh noes!!"

-- NB: `run suite` would run all tests, but we only run
-- tests whose scopes are prefixed by "addition"
main :: IO Summary
main = runOnly "addition" suite

This generates the output:

━━━ runOnly "addition" ━━━
  ✓ addition.ex1 passed 1 test.
  ✓ addition.ex2 passed 1 test.
  ⚐ list.reversal gave up after 1 discard, passed 0 tests.
  ✓ addition.ex3 passed 1 test.
  ⚐ always passes gave up after 1 discard, passed 0 tests.
  ⚐ failing test gave up after 1 discard, passed 0 tests.
  ⚐ 3 gave up, 3 succeeded.

We write tests with ordinary Haskell code, with control flow explicit and under programmer control.